
1. Program Description Shrewd Solutions Inc. offers a messaging program that sends updates related to our business to existing customers. These messages may include important information about our products, services, and business operations.

2. Message and Data Rates Message and data rates may apply. Charges for text messages will be billed by your mobile service provider and are the responsibility of the end-user.

3. Opt-Out Instructions You can opt-out of receiving text messages from Shrewd Solutions Inc. at any time. To stop receiving messages, text “STOP” to 14373703443. After you send the “STOP” message, we will send you a confirmation message to confirm that you have been unsubscribed. You will no longer receive messages from us. If you want to join again, just sign up as you did the first time, and we will start sending messages to you again.

4. Message Frequency The frequency of messages may vary. You may receive recurring messages based on your interaction with our services. The number of messages you receive per month will depend on your engagement and the specific updates we have available.

5. Customer Care Contact Information If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our customer care team:
